Variability Modelling and Product Lines

Variability modelling is a systematic approach to capturing and managing the differences and commonalities within a family of related products. It enables the definition of configurable features, options, and constraints that guide the creation of tailored product variants.

Mission execution for small Uncrewed Aerial Systems commnly also relies on a set of common tasks, while also exhibiting unique characteristics. Efficiently and effectively managing such variabilities in Cyber-Physical Systems, is a non-trivial challenge that must take into consideration the context and sequencing of events, while simultaneously addressing safety-critical concerns.
Tasks such as launching sUAS, obstacle and collision avoidance, or planning search routes, are common across many, or even all of the missions; while other tasks, such as collecting water samples, or tracking a moving victim in the river, are unique to a specific mission.

In our work, we have created approaches for checking the consistency of diverse PLE artifacts, and composing sUAS missions from sets of shared and unique features.


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Selected Publications

Scientific Paper IconConfiguring Mission-Specific Behavior in a Product Line of Collaborating Small Unmanned Aerial System. N. Al Islam, M.T. Chowdhury, A. Agrawal, M. Murphy, R. Mehta, D. Kudriavtseva, J. Cleland-Huang, M. Vierhauser, M. Chechik In Journal of Systems and Software, 2022
Scientific Paper IconEvolution in Dynamic Software Product Lines. C. Quinton, M. Vierhauser, R. Rabiser, L. Baresi, P. Grünbacher, and C. Schumayer. In Journal of Software Evolution and Process, 2020
Scientific Paper IconFlexible and scalable consistency checking on product line variability models. M. Vierhauser, P. Grünbacher, A. Egyed, R. Rabiser and W. Heider. InIEEE/ACM Int'l Conf. on Automated Software Engineering ASE, 2010