Extending PDDL with Quality Preference/Attributes
PDDL, the Planning Domain Definition Language, is a computer-readable language used in the field of artificial intelligence and automated robotic planning. It is specifically designed for defining the details of planning problems and domains in the context of automated planning and scheduling systems.
PDDL, the Planning Domain Definition Language, is a computer-readable language used in the field of artificial intelligence and automated robotic planning. It is specifically designed for defining the details of planning problems and domains in the context of automated planning and scheduling systems. PDDL provides a formal and expressive way to describe the various components of a planning problem, such as the initial state, the goal state, and the actions that can be taken by an agent or a robot to transition from one state to another. It allows the specification of the problem's characteristics, constraints, and the relationships between different elements.
However, particularly for successful human-robot collaboration, it is vital that humans can both express their requirements and they can comprehend the decisions that robots take. Requirements in this context are often related to quality objectives, such as performance, energy consumption, availability, or security. These objectives then have to be considered during automated planning, so that an optimal mission for the given concerns can be found. To help humans express their preferences for automated planning, the need for interactive approaches has emerged, guiding users through the planning process and providing timely feedback on different choices they make.